Lollipop Guild 2

I went to my writing class last night, as I do once a month, to learn how to not suck so much at writing. Each month I get a little gooder. My mentor tells me that soon I will be proficient enough to write the directions for use on bags of microwave popcorn. That’s one step above blogging.

Some of us went to dinner after class. It has become a tradition to go to the local Red Robin and eat, drink and bullshit until they close. Imagine six to eight wannabe writers waxing philosophically about their trade and comparing techniques. This was nothing like that.

Instead we were discussing what every group of mostly white people and one black person discuss, the “N” word.  The talk consisted of the usual questions and answers. No new epiphanies were discovered in that realm. I did find out one interesting fact that I wanted to share. Apparently the word Midget is offensive to Little People. As offensive as the “N” word is to Black People.

I had no idea. I had heard that it wasn’t politically correct anymore, like calling mentally challenged people Retards. I just didn’t realize that it had obtained “N” word status. Which begs the question, are we going to have to start calling it the “M” word?

Are there young little people gangster rappers that call each other midgets? And when tall people use the “M” word do they get offended and say “You can’t use that word! That’s our word!” Are they going to have a Million Midget March on Washington D.C.?