Monthly Archive: June, 2012

Sharks and Wonder Woman

Over the weekend, Shelley and I went back to Kansas City for her family reunion. We had a great time while in town but traveling was difficult. We flew standby and getting two… Continue reading

Lollipop Guild 2

I went to my writing class last night, as I do once a month, to learn how to not suck so much at writing. Each month I get a little gooder. My mentor… Continue reading

The King

Today is the one year anniversary of the beginning of the Second Glorious Revolution. Today is the day the people collectively stood up against flame broiled tyranny. The day the voices of this… Continue reading

Mr. Furious

I had a very embarrassing loss of control last night. No, I am not talking about peeing in my pants…again. I lost my temper. This hasn’t happened to me in public in quite… Continue reading