
I am pretty sure that I hurt a coworker’s feelings yesterday.

I love observational humor. Some say that I look at things a little differently than most people. I tend to try to find the funny in most situations. I say things to people like “It could be worse. You could have hooks instead of hands and you wouldn’t be able to wipe your butt!” I like to entertain people as much as I like to entertain myself so I will share my observations with them at times. I mentioned before that my best friend thinks I have too much fun at other people’s expense. I am honestly not trying to hurt anybody though.

The situation I find myself in currently is that I have a male and female coworker that look very similar. They could be brother and sister; however they aren’t related at all. I mentioned this to another few coworkers in confidence and the word got out to the male coworker. He didn’t seem very amused. He smiled but it was an uncomfortable smile. I tried to tell him that he was a very handsome man and it was the female coworker that looked like him. I am pretty sure that this didn’t make him feel better.

I drew this info-graphic to try and explain what I casually observed.


Even though I personally think she looks like him it was definitely inappropriate to share my opinion with others. I would like to publicly apologize to my coworkers for offending them in anyway.

Oh, I would also like to apologize in advance to the girl who I said resembles “Rocky” from the 1985 movie “Mask” starring Cher. Just in case she gets wind of it.